On Friday 10 April 2009, walt wrote:

> The big picture first:  The plan is to use evdev *instead* of the
> drivers in xf86-input-keyboard and xf86-input-mouse, 

> In my xorg.conf there is no mention whatever of mice or keyboards,
> and xf86-input-keyboard and xf86-input-mouse have been completely
> deleted from my machine. (xf86-input-evdev is still necessary, of
> course.)

I seem to have both of these installed and following the xorg ebuild post 
install messages I rebuilt them since they showed up when I ran:

# qlist -I -C x11-drivers/

Are you saying that the above drivers are no longer needed because evdev will 
do everything and do it correctly?

PS.  I also needed to add an entry in 
my /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-xinput-configuration.fdi for the synaptics 
behaviour to be as it was before the xorg upgrade.

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