Stroller wrote:
> On 20 Apr 2009, at 00:19, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> ...
>>> Start-up messags:
>>> ln: accessing `/var/lib/init.d/started/rmnologin': Permission denied
>> That's a very unusual location for init scripts. Did you put them there,
>> instead of in the more usual /etc/init.d/?
> I have that file on my systems.
> I assume it (and others nearby) are library / function scripts which
> are called by the init scripts in /etc/init.d/
> Stroller.
> ~ $ ls /var/lib/init.d/started/rmnologin
> /var/lib/init.d/started/rmnologin
> ~ $ ls /var/lib/init.d/started/
> apache2      cupsd       modules   ntop        rmnologin  syslog-ng
> bootmisc     hostname    net.br0   ntp-client  rpc.statd  udev-postmount
> checkfs      keymaps     net.eth0  ntpd        samba      uptimed
> checkroot    lm_sensors  net.lo    portmap     sensord    urandom
> clock        local       netmount  postfix     smartd     vixie-cron
> consolefont  localmount  nfs       postgresql  sshd
> ~ $ ls /var/lib/init.d/
> coldplugged  deptree    failed    scheduled  softscripts  stopping
> daemons      exclusive  inactive  snapshot   started      wasinactive
> depcache     exitcodes  options   softlevel  starting
> ~ $

Looks about the same here as well:

r...@smoker / # /bin/ls /var/lib/init.d/started/
bootmisc   clock        dbus      ivman    localmount          modules  
ntpd       smartd          upsd    urandom
checkfs    consolefont  hald      keymaps  mDNSResponderPosix  net.lo   
numlock    syslog-ng       upsdrv  vixie-cron
checkroot  cupsd        hostname  local    mdnsd               netmount 
rmnologin  udev-postmount  upsmon  xdm
r...@smoker / # /bin/ls /var/lib/init.d/
coldplugged  depcache  exclusive  failed    options    snapshot  
softscripts  starting  wasinactive
daemons      deptree   exitcodes  inactive  scheduled  softlevel 
started      stopping
r...@smoker / #  

Should we assume this is "normal"?  I have never been "normal" before. 


:-)  :-) 

P.S. Pardon me calling the entire path of the command.  I didn't want to
post that with the alias of -al which is a bit long and unneeded.  Yea,
I'll figure out how to "undo" this one day.

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