On Sunday 17 May 2009 14:15:31 pk wrote:
> > But you have that in the current setup. Hal (for better or worse) is the
> > daemon. dbus is simply a message transport and can be omitted from the
> > conceptual diagram
> Why is dbus needed? Why can't the user space apps talk to the user space
> daemon directly? To me it's just another unnecessary layer, each layer
> needs some kind of translation and thus resources. To me hal or whatever
> may replace it should have a minimalist approach.

Because the methodology is not that user-space apps talk to hal, but that hal 
sends events to user space apps that are listening. And hal does not and 
should not know anything about those apps.

Polling vs events is a problem that was solved a very long time ago. For a 
dynamically changing system, events wins hands down almost always (one major 
exception - real time OSes). It's asynchronous, easier to program and both hal 
and the user space app talk to one and only one well defined API, and just 
forget all about timing issues.

From an engineering point of view, a message bus is an excellent idea.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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