Saphirus Sage <saphirus497 <at>> writes:

> > Any ideas how to disable the synaptics pad?

> I'm not entirely sure that's a proper way to disable the synaptics pad,
> as you don't seem to have removed xorg's ability to load the driver. I'd
> suggest just #'ing out the whole InputDevice section relating to the
> synaptics pad, and running emerge -C synaptics or emerge -C
> xf86-input-synaptics, depending on which driver you're using. That
> should completely remove your ability to use the synaptic touch pad.


Nothing with the word "synaptics"  (or either of the packages you mentioned)
is installed.

I do have a left over, bloated xorg file, so I'll first just delete
the line with the (#) symbol, but, I thought that was the way to
deactivate entries. Looking in xorg.conf.examples did not reveal
any sort of useful infor

Maybe somebody could post a minimal xorg.conf, or a url to some examples?

One additional bit of information. The synaptics pad, when touched, makes
the mouse(cursor) go crazy in a radom-noise-movement sort of pattern. 
When I stop touching the synaptics pad and use the external usb mouse, 
cursor  movement becomes normal as expected.



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