On Friday 19 June 2009, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Friday 19 June 2009 00:08:04 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 22:45:50 +0100, Mick wrote:
> > > Why did they *have* to move it to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6.
> >
> > They didn't, they moved it from there to /etc/conf.d where all the other
> > rc config files live.
> >
> > > I am still confused with the difference between /etc/rc.conf
> > > and /etc/conf.d/rc ...
> >
> > Then moved that one out of /etc/conf.d :(
> Lets not confuse the fellow with our awesome wit :-)
> Mick, it's a cleanup operation with openrc to get things a bit more sane.
> Unix let's you put config files any damn place you want them. So it's up to
> you to put them someplace sane. The recent trend is to use a structure like
> /etc/thing.conf
> /etc/thing.d/*
> The first one is used for global settings that affect the entire package
> (or system in this case as it's openrc).
> The second has individual files, one for each logical sub-section. Package
> managers can then update individual bits independently - trying to do
> updates to one massive file with sed is a distinctly non-trivial operation.
> With baselayout-1, the layout was a bit haphazard. baselayout-2 and openrc
> took the opportunity to tidy all this up.

Thank you for the explanation.

I am running stable x86 on all my boxen at the moment.  I guess I'll have to 
become accustomed to the new set up soon.

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