On Friday 26 June 2009 22:02:54 Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Alan McKinnon<alan.mckin...@gmail.com> 
> > On Friday 26 June 2009 21:05:01 Mark Knecht wrote:
> >> So the weirdness continues. mesa built but then xorg-server failed
> >> with the same failure:
> >>
> >>
> >>  * >>> SetUID: [chmod go-r] /usr/bin/Xorg ...
> >>                        [ ok ]
> >>
> >> Switching to xorg-x11 OpenGL interface...ln: creating symbolic link
> >> `./libglx.so': File exists
> >> !!! Error: Failed to create /lib/libglx.so
> >
> > Looks like you have a file collision between xorg-server and mesa, which
> > is odd as those packages get a lot of testing.
> >
> > Anything on bugs.gentoo.org?
> I haven't looked there yet but I will.
> I'm on a mission here. For this machine I want emerge -e @system to
> install NOTHING having to do with X11. After I get to that point,
> depclean'ed, revdep'ed, eix-test-obsoleted, then I'm going back to
> installing X from scratch. I've just gotten past the emerge -e @system
> part now.
> I'm sort of surprised the openssh shows up as part of @system, or it's
> getting pulled in somehow, and its default flags are dragging in X.

USE="X" pulls in x11-apps/xauth so you likely want to disable that flag.
> Sort of anal I suppose but these machine have been neglected for the
> last couple of years being stuck with old drivers & old kernels. If
> I'm going to try and get the newest ati-drivers working I feel like I
> sort of owe it to those developers (and myself) to have as few issues
> hanging out as possible.

Look at it this way: the only known factor that leads to easy-maintainable and 
sane systems for all is analness coming from the top :-)

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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