Dan Farrell wrote:
On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 20:05:07 +0200
pk <pete...@coolmail.se> wrote:
gentoo.org works for me (both this afternoon, around 15.00 and right
now, 20.03). f.g.o. also works right now. g-w.com also works.

Your're all right; the gentoo.org thing must have been a transient
hiccough somewhere between me and them.  Forum is working fine too. I
was too quick to criticize.
Also, gentoo-wiki _just_ came back up, apparently.  Nevertheless I
think anyone who uses it agrees that it goes down _too_much_.
I know, these aren't the gentoo people on the wiki.  I'm more concerned
with the hole it leaves when it disappears than I am with pointing

I'd like to see the conversation about Gentoo hosting docs in a wiki rather than the XML stuff we've got now picked up again. My time is limited and I'm not going to learn a whole doc system when I can just fix the docs in a tenth of the time it takes to even figure out where to get the Gentoo docs in order to edit them. Hell someone can wiki -> xml the thing and create official releases every couple of months while the wiki docs continue on as unstable releases.


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