
On Tue, 1 Sep 2009 20:09:12 +0800
Xi Shen <davidshe...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> every time i reboot the system, the ~/.bashrc will not be
> read/executed automatically. i have give it x attribute. also i have
> checked the /etc/bash/bashrc file, and i did not find and logic about
> reading/executing the ~/.bashrc file. is there anything wrong with my
> system?

You don't need the executable bit set on bashrc. ~/.bashrc gets read
when you start an interactive shell, e.g. an xterm. When you log in a
login shell is started, which reads ~/.bash_profile. If you want that
your ~/.bashrc will be read on login include the following statement
in ~/.bash_profile

[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc


Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise loesen,
durch die sie entstanden sind.

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