Am Samstag 31 Oktober 2009 17:52:52 schrieb Harry Putnam:
> And in fact does it really matter if its pointing at the newly
> installed or actual running kernel, when kernel compiling operations
> take place?

No, it doesn't really matter at all. AFAIK, kernel devs even recommend against 
the symlink. And you can do just fine w/o it.

I need to compile one external module, nvidia. This can be done by providing 
some ENV variables which point to the correct kernel source:

KBUILD_OUTPUT=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build KERNEL_DIR=/lib/modules/`uname -
r`/source paludis -i1 nvidia-drivers

This points to the currently running kernel. You can easily replace "`uname -
r`" with any version you want.

Why do I do this? Because I always use the sources from directly, 
and get them via git. I have cloned the kernel tree in /usr/src/linux-2.6, so 
that I can easily switch between different version by means of a simple "git 
checkout". The build output is stored in /usr/src/build-<version>, by using 
"make O=../build-2.6.31 menuconfig", for example.



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