On Saturday 21 November 2009 20:48:04 Maxim Wexler wrote:
> Hi group,
> Going through a rough patch after a world update. The SD card 
on my
> netbook doesn't get mounted, ext2 filesytem not found etc. I've 
> this problem before which I traced to the lack of support for 
SD cards
> in the kernel. This time it's something else. Nothing wrong 
with the
> fs, it can be checked and mounted manually. Device-mapper is 
not in
> the world file but does exist in /etc/init.d and can be started 
> stopped OK. When I use it I get messages in the boot console of 
> incompatible with my baselayout-1.

There's your problem right there. Your device-mapper can't work 
with baselayout-1. So, your options:

Upgrade to baselayout-2 and openrc. You'll have to do it sooner 
or later, and right now seems to be to be a very good time to do 

device-mapper has moved into lvm2 (as lvm is the primary consumer 
of device-mapper). If device-mapper is not installed according to 
portage, and you have files left, then they are orphans left over 
because of CONFIG_PROTECT and can be deleted. Then emerge lvm2

> So, I try to unmerge it, but of course portage claims I don't 
have it.
> And if I try to emerge it, the new version is blocked by the 
> I'm supposed ot have?!
> In an earlier post 'device-mapper', somebody suggested 
installing lvm2
> and not using device-mapper but this doesn't work for me -- 
> my problem has anything to do with device-mapper.
> Maxim

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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