Dale wrote:
So, another question. Is there a tool that is local and would do something like this? I am using Seamonkey 2.0 nowadays. It seems to have some tools available to it that the old Seamonkey doesn't.


:-)  :-)

There is a tool I've used in the past called PasswordMaker. It uses a master password and a flexible set of parameters to generate passwords and if necessary, enter them on a site.

It has a plugin for firefox and I believe seamonkey too. I can't check this second because their site appears to be down (bandwidth exceeded). It doesn't store the passwords anywhere and will only store the master password on your machine if you specifically ask for it.

Once you enter the master password and select the appropriate settings (length, character set, hashing algorithm etc etc), the password will be generated. You can also use the current website as a salt, so using the same settings will yield a different password for different sites.

Sounds like I'm advocating this very heavily, in fact I don't have much experience with it. It sounds reasonable to me, but I'll let you guys discuss it :)


I saw this on the plugin site. I notice it generates passwords but I'm pretty good at that myself. I doubt anyone would guess my password for my bank and credit card. They are not based on anything, not birth dates, Social Security number, account number or anything like that. I used to use a password that had some of the characters above the number keys but I got tired of typing all that mess in. It may be more secure with them but the bank chose to block my password manager from filling them in automatically. I changed it to something easier to type in. Also had a few rounds with the bank too. The changes they made do not make anything more secure than it already was. Several universities did studies and some of them said it made things worse by providing a false sense of security.

I did not notice that it had a fill in feature tho. It may not work with my bank but I may try it since it appears to be a local thing and doesn't transmit anything to a third party. Lastpass seems to do this.



:-)  :-)

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