On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 22:29:32 -0600
Dale<>  wrote:

After all, how many people see the source code for Seamonkey,
thousands, maybe million or more?  I don't think that many people can
keep a secret like that.
While anyone who wants to *can* look at it, probably only a few dozen
actually look at very much of it.  But every bit of new code that's
checked in is reviewed by someone who's been working with Mozilla
stuff for a long while and has earned a reputation as a trusted

Which is why Lastpass needs to let someone outside see their code, sort of earn the peoples trust. Even tho Seamonkey 2 has a few issues right now, I still trust it. I am not worried that they are logging my keystrokes or anything like that. Lastpass, as some have pointed out, could be doing just that. We don't *really* know what they are doing other than what they claim.

I like the idea behind it but lack the trust, sort of like Alan I guess. I wanted to use it but was not sure it was safe hence the thread about it.


:-)  :-)

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