On 01/04/2010 08:29 AM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:

I've upgraded the kernel on an old machine to 2.6.32.
Now, I cannot get the ZIP drive (ATAPI) working.

There is a /dev/hdd device and dmesg is telling me about
an IOMEGA ZIP drive, but
trying to

fdisk /dev/hdd
or even mount it,
seems to make the kernel hang (at least these commands
never finish)

Are there any error messages in dmesg?

I have an old parallel-port ZIP and two 1GB JAZ drives that
are gathering dust because I've replaced all three of them
with one $15 USB stick, which is far more reliable.

I wish I had the $800 back that I spent on those Iomega drives
plus the required SCSI controller  :(  I was recently tempted
to buy an expensive Blu-Ray toy, but then I remembered those
JAZ drives and changed my mind.

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