On Saturday 09 January 2010 12:34:26 Mick wrote:

> I have tried ntfsfix.

That's a new one to me - thanks.

> It resets the ntfs journal and when the drive is booted into MSWindows
> it'll run a chkdsk - make sure you do not interrupt this!

The disk in question is an external USB disk.

> In your friend's case you can force a chkdsk by right-clicking on the
> drive in Windows Explorer/Properties/Tools/Error-checking.

The only Windows system I can run at the moment is on my laptop; as soon as 
I plug the disk in I get a BSoD, so that's no help. On this box (my nice new 
i5 machine) Gentoo can't cope with USB storage devices at all - Plasma work-
space crashes immediately, together with Dolphin and Krunner; so I can't use 
that either. Ubuntu on the same box can't see the disk when I plug it in. 
The only Linux I can run that can see the disk is SysRescCd, either on the 
i5 box or on my laptop. Its ntfsfix said it had run successfully, but I still 
get the BSoD in WinXP, and ntfsck encounters problems it can't fix.
> Other than that I think we're into a file recovery mode involving tools
> like photorec and dd_rescue.

Photorec is what I've used to extract a few thousand files - the ones I 
mentioned with the unhelpful names. Maybe dd_rescue will help. Otherwise 
I'll give the disk back together with the rescued files and tell the lad to 
format it VFAT.

> HTH.

Indeed. Thanks again, Mick.

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