On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Peter Humphrey <pe...@humphrey.ukfsn.org> wrote:
> Hello again List,
> $ sudo  fdisk -l
> Unable to seek on /dev/sda
> What am I to make of this? The system runs ok, but apparently the
> underlying disk subsystem isn't happy. This box has only the one disk at
> the moment. Google doesn't help.
> The box is a new Armari system with an Asus P7P55D motherboard and a
> Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB SATA II hdd.
> --
> Rgds
> Peter.
Very strange.

What's in dmesg when the machine boots? Is it possible an older driver
got loaded and it's showing up as hda instead of sda? I found that on
one of my machines recently.

- Mark

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