On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There's a few small downsides I've run into with all of this so far:
> 1) Since we don't use sector 63 it seems that fdisk will still tell
> you that you can use 63 until you use up all your primary partitions.
> It used to be easier to put additional partitions on when it gave you
> the next sector you could use after the one you just added.. Now I'm
> finding that I need to write things down and figure it out more
> carefully outside of fdisk.

Replying mostly to myself, WRT the value 63 continuing to show up
after making the first partition start at 64, in  my case since for
desktop machines the first partition is general /boot, and as it's
written and read so seldom, in the future when faced with this problem
I will likely start /boot at 63 and just ensure that all the other
partitions - /, /var, /home, etc., start on boundaries divisible by 8.

It will make using fdisk slightly more pleasant.

- Mark

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