On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 15:27:45 +0100, Enrico Weigelt wrote:

> > For example, Network Manager uses D-Bus to tell programs when
> > your Internet connection is available and not, so your mail 
> > client goes into offline mode rather than pointlessly
> > trying to access your mailbox.  
> Why should an MUA care about some local interface at all ?
> It doesnt say anything whether the server can be reached, it's
> nothing more than guessing, that *might* be fine for trivial
> setups but can cause big headache in more complex ones.

I think this thread has had enough people trying to find specific use
cases where IPC would not be useful and trying to use that as some sort
of justification for it never being useful.

You're a little late for the party.

Neil Bothwick

"There are no stupid questions, just too many inquisitive idiots."

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