The quoted stated "vi-like bindings", so I would advise you to state that you've tried the j & k keys for up & down.

If the previous poster has bottom-posted, your top-posting makes the quuoted *particularly* difficult to read. I hope you will follow the conventions of the previous poster in the future.


On 25 Feb 2010, at 08:47, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
I cannot use mupdf at all.
I've emerged mupdf-938 after adding it to my local overlay.

But, when it comes up it displays the first page but I cannot
do anything else.
There is no menu, it doesn't respond to the mouse or the PgUp/PgDn
keys. So I can only view the very first page or exit.
No search, no printing ...

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 02:21:39PM -0600, Neal Hogan wrote:

I use mupdf with OpenBSD and I like it (vi-like bindings). Not too
sure if Gentoo has the port/package. A quick "gentoo mupdf" google had
a few hits . . . but I didn't look at any of the links to see what
they were talking about.

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