On Tuesday 09 March 2010 20:12:09 Alex Schuster wrote:
> Alex Schuster wrote:
> > Alex Schuster writes:
> > > Now I'm going to emerge KDE-4.4.1, let's see what this will change.
> >
> > Nothing I notice. At least things have not gone worse:)
> But still they are not well. But you can safely ignore this if you don't
> have KDE4 or are not interested in reading how things do not work, and how
> I still use them. I have no good explanation for this, probably I keep
> using KDE4 because it is so new and shiny, because I think that the time
> must come when things actually DO work, and because I so not like to
> switch to something else. There was never a time when ALL was working
> fine, but at the moment I am even more disappointed then I used to be.
> - Kontact. The old address book I had imported fro KDE 3.5 half a year ago
> showed one "address book" and many std.vcf (or similar) files, with my
> data scattered on them. I moved all stuff into the "address book", and did
> not use it for a while
> Now I wanted to do so, but it did not run due to an error with akonadi. 

Did you try to create a local resource using your systemsettings and point it 
to the local KDE3.5 contacts file?  If you restart the address book, then 
akonadi will kick in a carry out the migration - if it does not succeed it 
will tell you so.  In that case you may need to fix things manually (I've 
posted how in an older thread of mine, where I managed to make akonadi to 
succeed in its migration from a local resource file using sqlite - I don't 
have mysql in this box.  Let me know if you can't find it.)

> I
> tried to figure out what this was, and how to get the error message in
> English, but then I found out that I only have to restart kontact. Fine,
> now I want to add a contact. First, when I want to edit the location, the
> country is set to Afghanistan, I always have to change this to Germany.
> Annoying, why is this so, who would want this behaviour, except for
> Afghans perhaps. 

Have you tried to set up your locale in systemsettings to Germany?

> But it does not matter much, as I cannot store the data:
> when I press the OK button, I get a dialog where I should select the
> address book to store the data in, but the list is empty. Great. I tried
> adding a new address book, now I have two entries called "address book"
> and one called "personal contacts", still I cannot add an entry.

Try to get akonadi to complete its migration, or I think what you're trying to 
do will not work.

> - Dolphin can do FTP, but I have to repeat the login process several times
> until I see the destination files.

I've also noticed an error when I try to connect with ftp saying that the 
connection failed, but then if I click on reload it connects fine.

> - I just tried to listen to a CD, but KsCD does not find it. The eject
> button ejects, but does not close the tray if pressed again. Okay. I just
> thought I could play CDs with KDE. Can you?

Yes, although KsCD looks and feels pretty clunky.

> - And I am currently editing a page in my wiki with konqueror, but after
> the dialog appeared that I should save the edits, it sort of hangs. I can
> reload the page, but cannot edit any more. The good thing is that I did
> not edit that much yet. Which is also a bad thing, because when editing
> longer parts I cop the text to the clipboard from time to time, just in
> case something crashes. I'm doing this with this mail, too.
> Hmm, looks like konqueror is still working just as usual, it's just it
> does no display updates at all. It's the first time it happened, but as it
> just happened while I was writing this rant, I thought I'd include it.

Haven't noticed this.

> - Of course, Amarok keeps doing weird things. At least I can play music
> from my collection. But playing a stream sometimes crashes it. And
> dragging files into Amarok always leads to a crash. Yeah, I know, Amarok
> is not KDE.

Given up on that long ago (and sadly have not found a nice replacement which 
won't pull in the whole of Gnome or worse)

> But at least one bug was fixed, I got a mail from bugzilla about this
> today. It's the bug that makes password dialogs not work if the password
> is to be displayed as three bullets. Wow, nearly two months after it had
> been reported, this serious bug was at least confirmed to exist and is
> fixed now. Maybe this bug happens seldomly, but when it happens, much of
> KDE4 is unusable, as you have no kmail, no kwallet, nothing that needs a
> password works.

Hmm ... no such problem over here.

> Dale, you brave, brave man, are you really using KDE4 now?
>       Wonko


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