Response to Daly's crtique (below) of geo-engineering
The very sad and unappreciated truth is that:

a. If all emissions were shut off tomorrow, the sulfate would go away first and 
that would yield about a W/m2 forcing in first two weeks, perhaps diminished 
slightly by loss of organic aerosols (though these may be balanced by loss of 
black carbon). Then we’d lose several tenths of a W/m2 due to methane over a 
decade or two. But with thermal inertia and the remaining positive forcing, 
temperature would be pushed up to near  2 C (and dangerous is likely really 
about 0.5, not 2). And such an emissions shutoff cannot occur.

b. If the global CO2 emissions could be held constant at the year 2000 level 
for century (so global emissions of about 6.5 GtC/yr) even as population rises, 
standard of living rises, and we tend toward coal and oil shale, and then go to 
zero CO2 emissions after that, we are at 550 ppm or so, and that warming (given 
end of SO2 emissions) is 3 C or so above preindustrial and clearly over 
reasonable limit. Doing this will be a real challenge, but not good enough.

c. If we assume 8 billion average population for the century and 3 tonneC/yr 
per person, we reach 1000 ppm by 2100 and would likely be headed higher, and 
that is 6 C or so.

What energy path does one choose that keeps world from going over 2 C, and 
maybe way over, and how would we suffer through those impacts? So, question is 
do we suffer or consider climate engineering. There is no question we must 
mitigate­-the question is how much we must suffer.
7/2/11 1:08 PM, "Kirk R. Smith" < <krksm...@berkeley.htm
June 27, 2011, Daily News

Geo-engineering or Cosmic Protectionism?
by Herman Daly
“We are capable of shutting off the sun and the stars  because they do not pay 
a dividend.”  John Maynard  Keynes, 1933
Frederic Bastiats  classic satire, Petition of the Candlemakers Against the 
Sun,  has been given new relevance. Written in 1845 in defense of free trade 
and against national protectionism in France, it can now  be applied quite 
literally to the cosmic protectionists who want  to protect the global fossil 
fuel-based growth economy against  unfair competition from sunlight a free 
good. The free flow  of solar radiation that powers life on earth should be 
diminished, suggest some, including American Enterprise Institutes S. 
Thernstrom (Washington Post 6/13/09, p.  A15), because it threatens the growth 
of our candle-making economy that requires filling the atmosphere with 
heat-trapping gasses. The protectionist solution of partially turning off  the 
sun (by albedo-increasing particulate pollution of the  atmosphere) will indeed 
make thermal room for more  carbon-burning candles. Although this will likely 
increase GDP  and employment, it is attended by the inconvenient fact that all  
life is pre-adapted by millions of years of evolution to the  existing flow of 
solar energy. Reducing that flow cancels these adaptations wholesale just as 
global warming cancels myriad existing adaptations to temperature.

Artificially reducing our most basic and abundant source of low entropy (the 
solar flux)  in order to more rapidly burn up our scarcer terrestrial source  
(fossil fuels), is contrary to the interests both of our species  and of life 
in general. Add to that the fact that candles, and  many other components of 
GDP, are at the margin increasingly unneeded and expensive, requiring 
aggressive advertising and  Ponzi-style debt financing in order to be sold, and 
one must  conclude that geo-engineering the world for more candles and  less 
sunlight is an even worse idea than credit default swaps.
Why then do some important and intelligent people advocate geo-engineering? As 
the lesser evil compared to absolutely catastrophic and imminent climate 
disaster, they say. If the  American Enterprise Institute has now stopped 
offering  scientists money to write papers disputing global warming, and  in 
fact has come around to the view that climate change is bad,  then why have 
they not advocated carbon taxes or  cap-auction-trade limits? Because they 
think the technical  geo-fix is cheap and will allow us to buy time and growth 
to  better solve the problem in the future. One more double whiskey to help us 
get our courage up enough to really face our growth addiction! Probably we are 
irrevocably committed to serious  climate change and will have to bear the 
costs, adapt, and  hasten our transition to a steady state economy at a 
sustainable  (smaller) scale. Panicky protectionist interventions by arrogant  
geo-engineers to save growth for one more round will just make  things worse.
At the earthly level I am no free trader, and neither was  Keynes, but shutting 
off the sun and the stars to protect the  fossil fuel economy is carrying 
protectionism to cosmic  extremes. Reality has overtaken satire.

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