September 20, 2012, *3:57 PM*
Pondering the Path To an Open Polar SeaBy ANDREW C.

In the mid 1800s, some scientists and explorers — having not yet found a
way through the forbidding sea ice sheathing much of the Arctic Ocean —
posited that there was an “open polar
beyond those barricades, nourished by warm waters sweeping north past
Scandinavian coasts. (I have the marvelous 1867 book “The Open Polar Sea”
on my book shelf; you can read it online

Now, it has become almost routine in summers to have broad stretches of the
free of ice. Global warming <> from the human-driven
buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases is seen by virtually all Arctic
scientists as playing a growing role in driving the shift in summers toward
a largely open sea at the top of the world, with plenty of variations along
the way.

As the National Snow and Ice Data Center announced
Sept. 16 marked the end of the 2012 ice retreat, which far surpassed the
ice melt in 2007 — at the time considered a jaw-dropping outlier by many
researchers <>.
Here’s one snippet from the center’s helpful

The six lowest seasonal minimum ice extents in the satellite record have
all occurred in the last six years (2007 to 2012). In contrast to 2007,
when climatic conditions (winds, clouds, air temperatures) favored summer
ice loss, this year’s conditions were not as extreme. Summer temperatures
across the Arctic were warmer than average, but cooler than in 2007. The
most notable event was a very strong storm centered over the central Arctic
Ocean in early August. [*The NASA video above shows how the storm winds
centered on the ice pack.* *Here's my post on that
It is likely that the primary reason for the large loss of ice this summer
is that the ice cover has continued to thin and become more dominated by
seasonal ice. This thinner ice was more prone to be broken up and melted by
weather events, such as the strong low pressure system just mentioned. The
storm sped up the loss of the thin ice that appears to have been already on
the verge of melting completely.

Justin Gillis has a news story describing the findings and some
There’s much more
of course, and plenty of messaging from green

The first question is why was this year so surprisingly extreme, even along
a trend toward more open water? (Other questions will be addressed in the
next few days.) Overall, as I’ve said for years, it’s the trend that
matters most. Otherwise you can end up in endless seesaw debates about
what’s going on — with this recent Skeptical Science graph demonstrating
the importance of a longer view:
[image: arctic ice graph]Skeptical
graph of September Arctic sea ice extent (blue diamonds) with “recovery”
years highlighted in red, versus the long-term sea ice decline fit with a
second order polynomial, also in red.

In the next 24 hours, I’ll be posting fresh excerpts from an extended and
fascinating discussion of ice patterns since 2007 involving some of the
world’s top ice researchers — both modelers and field scientists like those I
accompanied in 2003<>
their annual North Pole expedition undertaken to monitor the vital signs of
the ocean beneath the drifting sea ice.

The pace of ice loss — both its extent and the amount of the older, thicker
ice that survives from summer to summer — has been faster than most models
predicted and clearly has, as a result, unnerved some polar researchers by
revealing how much is unknown about ice behavior in a warming climate.

Even with this year’s extreme loss, there’s still a wide range of
predictions among polar scientists of how soon the northernmost ocean will
be “ice free” in late summer. Peter Wadhams, a British oceanographer
who’s charted
ice conditions for many
is an outlier in predicting 2015 or
has joined an assortment of people calling for emergency geo-engineering
chill the Arctic).

But most of the dozen or so ice scientists I’ve consulted of late (and
several dozen since 2000) remain closer in their views to Cecilia
Bitz<> of
the University of Washington, who recently agreed with my notion (as a
longtime, but lay, observer) that there’s “a 50-50 chance it will take a
(Keep in mind that almost all Arctic sea ice researchers add a big caveat
when talking of an “ice-free Arctic Ocean,” noting that a big region of
thick floes north and west of Greenland will almost surely persist in
summers through this century, which is one reason some
proposed targeting polar bear conservation

It’s clear to a range of scientists that the enormous loss of old, thick
ice carried on currents from the Arctic out past Greenland into the
Atlantic Ocean in recent years is a major factor that has led to sharp
summer melting. (With the ocean cloaked mainly in relatively thin floes,
formed over a single winter, the chances rise each summer of a big melt-off
under the 24-hour sun and influxes of warmer seawater.) The forces driving
that ice exodus are complicated, as you’ll hear from the scientists
contributing below.

This animated, three-dimensional graph, created by an amateur Arctic
watcher, Andy Lee Robinson, using data from the Piomas model of scientists
at the University of Washington, gives an incredibly interesting view of
how the reduction in overall ice volume has proceeded:

I asked Robinson, who is an engineer, graphics and programming expert and
musician, to explain the steps and sources behind the graph. Click here for my
Slideshare posting of his detailed

While you wait for the exchange with ice researchers, I encourage you to
explore the developing string of posts by Judith Curry of Georgia Tech, who
led one of several research
reporting links between summer ice loss and severe winter weather in
temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere (her relevant paper is
Her first post explored this question:“How should we interpret the record
low minimum sea ice
second asked: “Whence an ‘ice free’ Arctic? Does an ‘ice free’ Arctic

Also, you can start by exploring an illustrated view of the array of
factors – from sea-bottom topography to warm water – that may be in play in
the changing Arctic Ocean provided by James Morison <> of
the University of Washington. Morison has been studying Arctic sea ice and
waters for decades and runs an annual expedition to the North Pole to drop
instruments through the ice into the ocean below (the one I got to go on in
2003 <>). He
stresses this is informed speculation at this point, putting him in good
company considering the many ideas in circulation and the persistent
uncertainties in the system.

*An Arctic Expert’s View of the Great Ice Melt of
 *from *Andrew Revkin <>*

*4:37 p.m. | Postscript |* The scope of what’s unfolding, and the
fascinating and persistent science and policy questions, make me think I
need to update and expand my prize-winning book on the once and future
Arctic, “The North Pole Was
welcome. The first chapter is online


Dot Earth blogger, The New York Times
Senior Fellow, Pace Acad. for Applied Env. Studies
Cell: 914-441-5556 Fax: 914-989-8009
Twitter: @revkin Skype: Andrew.Revkin

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