FEBRUARY 12, 2015

THE Republican Party has long resisted action on climate change, but now
that much of the electorate wants something done, it needs to find a way
out of the hole it has dug for itself. A committee appointed by the
National Research Council may just have handed the party a ladder.In a
two-volume report, the council is recommending that the federal government
fund a research program into geoengineering as a response to a warming
globe. The study could be a watershed moment because reports from the
council, an arm of the National Academies that provides advice on science
and technology, are often an impetus for new scientific research programs.

Sometimes known as “Plan B,” geoengineering covers a variety of
technologies aimed at deliberate, large-scale intervention in the climate
system to counter global warming.

Despairing at global foot-dragging, some climate scientists now believe
that a turn to Plan B is inevitable. They see it as inscribed in the logic
of the situation. The council’s study begins with the assertion that the
“likelihood of eventually considering last-ditch efforts” to address
climate destabilization grows every year.

The report is balanced in its assessment of the science. Yet by bringing
geoengineering from the fringes of the climate debate into the mainstream,
it legitimizes a dangerous approach.Beneath the identifiable risks is not
only a gut reaction to the hubris of it all — the idea that humans could
set out to regulate the Earth system, perhaps in perpetuity — but also to
what it says about where we are today. As the committee’s chairwoman,
Marcia McNutt, told The Associated Press: The public should read this
report “and say, ‘This is downright scary.’ And they should say, ‘If this
is our Hail Mary, what a scary, scary place we are in.’ ”

Even scarier is the fact that, while most geoengineering boosters see these
technologies as a means of buying time for the world to get its act
together, others promote them as a substitute for cutting emissions. In
2008, Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker, later Republican
presidential candidate and an early backer of geoengineering, said:
“Instead of penalizing ordinary Americans, we would have an option to
address global warming by rewarding scientific invention,” adding: “Bring
on the American ingenuity.”

The report, considerably more cautious, describes geoengineering as one
element of a “portfolio of responses” to climate change and examines the
prospects of two approaches — removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
and enveloping the planet in a layer of sulfate particles to reduce the
amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.

At the same time, the council makes clear that there is “no substitute for
dramatic reductions in the emissions” of greenhouse gases to slow global
warming and acidifying oceans.The lowest-risk strategies for removing
carbon dioxide are “currently limited by cost and at present cannot achieve
the desired result of removing climatically important amounts,” the report
said. On the second approach, the council said that at present it was
“opposed to climate-altering deployment” of technologies to reflect
radiation back into space.

Still, the council called for research programs to fill the gaps in our
knowledge on both approaches, evoking a belief that we can understand
enough about how the Earth system operates in order to take control of it.

Expressing interest in geoengineering has been taboo for politicians
worried about climate change for fear they would be accused of shirking
their responsibility to cut carbon emissions. Yet in some congressional
offices, interest in geoengineering is strong. And Congress isn’t the only
place where there is interest. Russia in 2013 unsuccessfully sought to
insert a pro-geoengineering statement into the latest report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Early work on geoengineering has given rise to one of the strangest
paradoxes in American politics: enthusiasm for geoengineering from some who
have attacked the idea of human-caused global warming. The Heartland
Institute, infamous for its billboard comparing those who support climate
science to the Unabomber, Theodore J. Kaczynski, featured an article in one
of its newsletters from 2007 describing geoengineering as a “practical,
cost-effective global warming strategy.”

Some scholars associated with conservative think tanks like the Hoover
Institution and the Hudson Institute have written optimistically about

Oil companies, too, have dipped their toes into the geoengineering waters
with Shell, for instance, having funded research into a scheme to put lime
into seawater so it absorbs more carbon dioxide.

With half of Republican voters favoring government action to tackle global
warming, any Republican administration would be tempted by the technofix to
beat all technofixes.

For some, instead of global warming’s being proof of human failure,
engineering the climate would represent the triumph of human ingenuity.
While climate change threatens to destabilize the system, geoengineering
promises to protect it. If there is such a thing as a right-wing
technology, geoengineering is it.President Obama has been working
assiduously to persuade the world that the United States is at last serious
about Plan A — winding back its greenhouse gas emissions. The suspicions of
much of the world would be reignited if the United States were the first
major power to invest heavily in Plan B.

Clive Hamilton is a professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University
in Australia and the author, most recently, of “Earthmasters: The Dawn of
the Age of Climate Engineering.”

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