My guess would be that they're monitoring geoengineering research because they 
can't distinguish it from chemtrails spraying, which I think is military 
related spraying in the sky that at some level sounds a lot like aerosol 
spraying in SRM.  Many citizens are extremely concerned (and rightly so!) with 
the health and environmental effects of chemtrail spraying, hence the watchdog 
group monitoring anything and everything they could find related to it.
If a simple keyword in your publication automatically triggered some monitoring 
by their method, then it's not surprising you got onto their watch list.

    On Sunday, June 4, 2017 12:18 PM, Veli Albert Kallio 
<> wrote:

  <!--#yiv7509475027 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}-->
| Veli Albert Kallio has shared a OneDrive file with you. To view it, click the 
link below. |

|  | Geoengineering Watch Monitoring.pdf |  |



Dear Sirs,
RE: Thoughts on the Motivation on Spying of Geoengineering Researchers

Although I am just a very peripheral player in geoengineering research, and 
that I have hardly published anything on this particular field, and that it is 
just only couple of times I have posted into this geoengineering group (i.e. 
can you yourself recall me making posts in this group, perhaps ever?). Despite 
all the above it appears that an extensive monitoring operations about my 
communications and publications are now being carried out byGeoengineering 
Watch group - shown here by analysis website: see .pdf of web 
traffic analysis of my site.
It was a virtually unrelated article about melting Arctic that related to the 
evidence I was giving at the Houses of Parliament here in the UK, this April 
for Sea Research Society. If you read through 47 pages of my evidence I gave, 
you will come across just one solitary reference, a word 'geoengineering' 
research therein. Nevertheless, this one solitary reference to 'geoengineering 
research' in my Parliament evidence has drawn over dozen geoengineering queries 
byGeoengineering Watch group - an astounding achievement by them in monitoring 
|  | MPs to review UK's role in Arctic sustainability - 24th April 
2017.docxwww.academia.eduThe draft paper as at 24th April which is being 
amended as the draft for the oral presentation session 5th April 2017 does not 
contain any references and text errors needed corrections. The paper is still 
being worked on with more sections being |

I deliberate here on the possible motivations of "reasons why" and backers of 
those people who so activelymonitor geoengineering researchers that their radar 
captures even mosquitoes like me (unless I have unknowingly become something of 
a geoengineering research giant without really noticing what I had invented)!!!
So what are the 'reasons why' and the backers of those people who are 
attempting to monitor geoengineering researchers and gather information about 
anything and everything even as small as just one solitary word reference to 
geoengineering in a fairly long 47-page Parliamentary evidence document? 
Several possibilities and motivations of these people and other similar groups 
are coming to my mind. These kind of extensive monitoring efforts almost 
certainly point to an indirect organised interests and perhaps utilitarian 
purposes to carry out (help) campaigns against geoengineering research and so 
to monitor the researchers meticulously.

My foremost thought here is that the very idea of someone researching or citing 
about geoengineering - even briefly - implies (indirectly) that there would be 
an evidence about changing climate which then justifies an investment in such a 
research (that threatens the interests of the patrons of the campaigns against 
geoengineering research). So, if geoengineering research can be refuted 
(killed), it means that there is also neither climate change and so no need to 
mitigate any such a climate change. Thus, by killing geoengineering research, 
"the Plan B", this would also kill all argument for any climate change 
happening in the first place.

According to BBC, during his election campaign, Donald Trump stated recently 
that climate change was 'a hoax' and, implicitly reconfirmed this by his 
announcement on Thursday, 1st June 2017, stating that the United States will 
now withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Agreement. President Trump has since 
avoided questions on the subject likewise his White House press secretary Sean 
|  | Will Paris pull-out hurt Trump? - BBC are external 
links and will open in a new window In the end the collected pressure from 
environmentalists, diplomats, major US corporations, foreign ... |

I would like to have your reflections what you think about the motivations of 
those who want to stifle geoengineering? Do you think like I am starting to 
think that it is partly arising as a fear of admission of climate change 
happening in the first place. I just think that my Parliament evidence was very 
thin in geoengineering indeed and there seems to be a paranoia that even one 
single word justifies attack by a dozen or more people from the said 
organisation to peer through all 47 pages. Have you had experiences like this 
or any harassment as a geoengineering researcher? What do you think about my 
paper and how you see it relevant here?
Yours sincerely,

Veli Albert Kallio, FRGS
Vice President, Sea Research Society
Environmental Affairs Department
| Veli Albert Kallio | Sea Research Society - 
Academia.eduexploresrs.academia.eduVeli Albert Kallio, Sea Research Society, 
Environmental Affairs Department, Faculty Member. Studies Climate Change, 
Climatology, and Meteorology. |
|  | Sea Research Society - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.orgThe Sea Research Society 
(SRS) is a non-profit educational research organization founded in 1972. Its 
general purpose is to promote scientific and educational ... |

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