Hello Andrew,


What is the best debunk website for this. I think there are about 3 or 4 peer 
reviewed papers that also debunk them.


It is a mistake to just ignore them, which has been the case for years, since 
their numbers grow large and what if one of them is elected to president?





From: geoengineering@googlegroups.com [mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Andrew Lockley
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 9:05 AM
To: Doug MacMynowski
Cc: geoengineering
Subject: Re: [geo] Chemtrailers...


Personally, I flatly refuse to engage professionally with chemtraillers. You'll 
get nowhere. I just block them.


You can direct people to a debunk website and say you'll block them if they 
contact you again. 


Personally, I get on with many of them fine. I'll happily chat to them socially 
at conferences and stuff. 




On 13 Nov 2017 13:16, "Douglas MacMartin" <macma...@cds.caltech.edu> wrote:

I don’t know if this was a good idea or not to respond bluntly to Dane.  The 
right answer is probably to just delete all of the garbage emails, since 
responding generally only brings more.  Though my inbox is kind of filled with 
crap from these folks anyway, so can’t get worse, right?  I guess some people 
thought that congress holding a hearing was proof that the US government was 
deploying geoengineering.


(Last time I interacted with Dane, he edited my emails to remove my answers to 
his questions, then posted them on his website to show that I refused to answer 
his questions.  And he also edited out all the hate-spewing nonsense from his 
own emails to make it look like he was charming and I was a jerk.  Which is why 
my conclusion is that he knows full well that he’s making stuff up.)


From: Douglas MacMartin [mailto:dgm...@cornell.edu] 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 8:08 AM
To: Dane Wigington <da...@frontier.com>; ShadowsFall1 
Cc: macma...@caltech.edu <mailto:macmardg@caltechedu> ; i...@garynull.com
Subject: RE: Geoengineering


Ah, Dane.  You are an odd character.  


Anyway, you have precisely the same odds of exposing me for a climate 
engineering coverup as I do of exposing you for starting world war one, and for 
precisely the same reason.


So, if you have any integrity left in you at all, you should actually post this 
on your website this time, unlike the last time where you deliberately removed 
any information from my emails that would expose you for what you are, and 
blocked me from commenting on your website to correct the information there.


1.      All aircraft exhaust contains water vapour (a byproduct of combusting 
hydrocarbons) and particulates.  In the right conditions these form contrails, 
as anyone with access to the internet can learn quickly (I think persistent 
ones are about 15% of the time, if I recall right).  Anyone who thinks that 
high bypass ratio engines are somehow immune to this doesn’t understand 
contrail formation (it’s about the same as saying red cars don’t need 
gasoline).  So, hypothesis #1 is that clouds are made of water, and hypothesis 
#2 is that there is some vast conspiracy involving a few hundred thousand 
people; I’ll let you judge for yourself which is more likely.  Further, taking 
pictures of contrails doesn’t prove that they aren’t contrails any more than 
taking pictures of a tree proves it isn’t a tree.  So… zero evidence presented 
here, lets move on.

2.      People have found contaminants in soil.  Ok… and the connection is?  If 
you claim that anything found in soil could only have come from a deliberate 
coverup and no other cause, you should apply your own logic to acorns.  I don’t 
know where things like barium come from, my guess would be industrial 
pollution, but I don’t know.  So… zero evidence presented here (and I’m not 
sure what this has to do with anything else anyway), lets move on.

3.      There are patents and previous programs in weather modification, which 
Dane has successfully found (they are all public, after all, so it doesn’t take 
much research to find them).  Yup, we all agree.  I have no idea if any of it 
still goes on in the US or not, I know China still does.  (Spraying things like 
silver iodide to seed clouds and make it rain, I’ve been told it doesn’t really 
work.)  So… nothing new here, and zero evidence presented that this has 
anything to do with climate engineering.  I’m not sure what the connection is 
supposed to be here, or what the point of finding these patents was supposed to 
be, since there’s never any connection made with climate engineering.  So lets 
move on…

4.      So finally, climate engineering.  The idea you appear to be trying to 
connect is the idea that you could put aerosols (most likely sulfate) into the 
stratosphere (say 60000 feet, where the lifetime of aerosols is years instead 
of weeks) to cool the global climate.  Yup, I do research in climate models to 
better understand that.  As do a number of other people.  It’s all publicly 
available on my website.  Some great papers came out last week, in fact, anyone 
can go read them and learn what I do.  Not obviously a good idea, but depending 
on what happens with climate change, maybe it might help.  And the connection 
with the aforementioned weather modification is… ?  Unfortunately, Dane 
presents zero information on this and hopes his readers never notice.  Doesn’t 
comment on the fact that the low-lying clouds in weather modification aren’t at 
the same altitude as contrails and sure aren’t at the altitude of the 
stratosphere.  Doesn’t comment on how we could get things to the stratosphere 
(technically I think it is feasible, but no aircraft today can get there and 
deliver a payload, so no-one needs to worry that this is even feasible.)  
Doesn’t comment on the fact that contrails actually warm the planet, and don’t 
persist very long (nothing in the troposphere does), so that would be a stupid 
way to do climate engineering, so he must presume we’re both covering things up 
and insanely stupid.  I don’t know if Dane has ever read anything on the 
subject of climate engineering, because you sure wouldn’t know it from the 
website.  Doesn’t comment on the fact that sulfate aerosols, if some day 
someone ever chose to put them in the stratosphere and figured out how to get 
them there, would disperse, so wouldn’t look like a visible streak in the sky 
anyway, and you wouldn’t be finding things like barium as a result, since that 
would be a pretty stupid thing to use to reflect sunlight.  Bottom line: Dane 
has never ever produced even a logically coherent implication connecting 
stratospheric aerosol climate engineering to the previous three things or to 
any real program.  Nor will he ever do so, because there isn’t any evidence to 
produce.  So I’m not sure what there is to debunk here; this is about like 
asking Dane to debunk the claim that he started world war one.  Claiming that 
the existence of weather modification back to the 60s “proves” that people are 
currently putting aerosols into the stratosphere is about like pointing out 
that sneezing has been going on for thousands of years, therefore people are 
deliberately putting sulfate into the stratosphere.  Huh?  How, exactly, does 
one make that leap of logic?  Other than both of them involving the atmosphere? 
 (As I pointed out to one person, sneezing might even be more closely related, 
because at least it involves aerosols…)  I can’t debunk anything here because 
there isn’t anything to debunk


Dane, you know you don’t need to keep the charade up with me, since I already 
caught you lying the last time we interacted.  The question I have for you is, 
what’s in it for you?  Is this about your ego?  Are you making money off of 
this somehow?  Do you think it’s just a giant colossal joke you’re having, like 
the people who made the crop circles in England?  The people who read your 
website think you’ve done research and haven’t noticed that you haven’t 
actually put together a logically coherent train of thought.  If I accuse you 
of starting world war one, everyone knows I’m being silly, but when you accuse 
me and my friends of crimes, there’s at least a handful of people who aren’t 
able to evaluate the evidence for themselves and actually trust that you are a 
reputable source of information.  Some fraction of the people who read your 
website are wonderful well-meaning people who care deeply about the planet.  
But some of them are the most vile hate-spewing people I’ve ever encountered in 
my life, and I know people who have received credible death threats.  So you 
might think this is all fun and games, but eventually someone will get hurt; 
you need to start taking responsibility for your actions.




From: Dane Wigington [mailto:da...@frontier.com] 
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2017 9:28 PM
To: ShadowsFall1 <shadowsfa...@protonmail.com>
Cc: macma...@caltech.edu; i...@garynull.com
Subject: Re: Geoengineering


Yes, Brian, Mr. MacMartin (MacMynowski) will yet be exposed for his part in the 
criminal climate engineering coverup, wait and see.

On Nov 12, 2017, at 3:43 PM, ShadowsFall1 <shadowsfa...@protonmail.com> wrote:


Mr. McMartin,


I recently witnessed your testimony during the November 8th, 2017, hearing of 
the US House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, with regard to 
geoengineering & solar radiation management programs.  For some strange reason, 
all participants seemed to be under the assumption that solar radiation 
management has not been underway for decades.  Yet government documents, lab 
tests from around the world, and video footage prove that jet aircraft have 
been spraying our skies with toxic heavy metal particulates for many years.  


During the hearing, you make the following statement:


"there is still considerable uncertainty as to the side effects and risks [of 
geoengineering] that will require focused, goal-oriented research that could 
take decades"


Yes Mr. McMartin, you are correct on this point, without question.  
Unfortunately, such research has already occurred in the sense that we have all 
been used as lab rats, as these programs have persisted for at least two 
generations already.  The results have been catastrophic, with 
neurodegenerative diseases (among many other illnesses) soaring off the charts. 


Significant peer-reviewed literature already exists proving that aluminum (the 
primary element named in geoengineering patents) causes demyelination of the 
central nervous system, resulting in neurodegenerative diseases such as 
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, multiple sclerosis, and others  Your actions are 
allowing these diseases to be forced upon populations of the world.  Their 
blood is on your hands.  The blood of your own children, family, and loved ones 
will also be on your hands as you watch their health deteriorate along with 
your own.  Ask yourself if playing your part in this theatrical performance is 
worth such an outcome.  


The following documentary, in the first five minutes alone, contains enough 
evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt these programs have already been 
deployed for some time:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZfEiiKTTbw


When the masses fully awaken to the damage that has been done to their planet 
and health without their knowledge or consent, they will rout out those 
responsible.  You will be among them.  You will be tried as an accomplice to 
crimes against humanity.    


If you do not change course and choose to admit these programs are real and 
ongoing, you will either go down with the rest of us as Earth's life support 
systems fail, or you will be held accountable once this issue gets exposed.  
Neither outcome suits you.  Choose wisely.





Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/>  Secure Email.



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