CSPO Events <>
OCTOBER 30, 2018 12:00PM—2:00PM
Governing Solar Radiation Management

As recent findings <> from
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change make clear, the world is
going to have to do much more to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions if
we are to avoid significant hazards from a warmer planet. One of those
actions may involve intervening directly in the atmosphere to reflect
sunlight before it can heat the earth’s surface. This type of climate
engineering strategy is called solar radiation management, or SRM, and it
is being discussed and researched by scientists.

SRM research, with its potential for irreversible changes to a complex
global system, is controversial and raises many questions. One of the most
critical of these questions is the governance of SRM research: how should
decisions governing this research be made, by whom, and with what

CSPO and the Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment
<>, within American University’s School of
International Service, invites you to a conversation about FCEA’s latest
report, “Governing Solar Radiation Management
Written by the Academic Working Group on Climate Engineering Governance,
this report offers a fresh evaluation of governance needs and a set of
near-term, practical governance recommendations for Solar Radiation
Management (SRM) technologies. Join us to learn about the conclusions of
the report and hear members of the Working Group reflect on the process of
crafting this consensus document while also providing critical feedback on
the report.

Presented in collaboration with the Forum for Climate Engineering
Location Information

ASU Barrett & O’Connor Washington Center

1800 I Street NW

Washington, DC 20006

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