Heterogeneous Chemistry of Calcium Carbonate Aerosols with Relevant
Stratospheric Gases and Its Potential Impact on Stratospheric Ozone

Han Ngoc Linh Huynh

Given the rapid rise in global mean temperature as a direct consequence of
increasing levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions, various climate
geoengineering techniques, for example, solar radiation management (SRM),
have been suggested. Often criticized as a distraction from global efforts
of removing and reducing GHGs, most notably carbon dioxide (CO2), SRM
involves both marine cloud brightening (MCB) and stratospheric aerosol
injection (SAI), both of which are based on increasing the Earth’s albedo
by seeding aerosols in the marine boundary layer and in the lower
stratosphere, respectively. SAI has been explored more extensively in
various modeling studies following observations of major volcanic
eruptions. A significant loading of sulfate particles, a byproduct of the
eruptions, were monitored to cool the Earth’s surface temperature
temporarily, albeit with some significant consequences including increasing
stratospheric ozone (O₃) depletion and reducing precipitation.

For our studies, we solely focused on the application of SAI by studying
relevant heterogeneous chemistry of alternative aerosols to sulfate,
specifically, calcite (CaCO₃) aerosols, to better understand the aerosols’
unintended impact on stratospheric O3 level. CaCO₃ aerosols, often serve as
an idealized proxy for calcium-rich mineral dust, have been modeled to have
minimal negative impact on both stratospheric O₃ level, through
heterogeneous chemistry, and stratospheric temperature. However, only a few
laboratory studies have been done on the heterogeneous chemistry of CaCO₃
aerosols with relevant stratospheric trace gases, such as HNO3 and HCl.
These gases play a significant role in O₃ catalytic loss cycles in the
stratosphere. Since HNO₃ is a common oxidation product of nitrogen oxides
which contribute significantly to urban air pollution, a handful of ambient
laboratory studies of CaCO₃ heterogeneous reaction with HNO₃ have been
conducted. However, very little is known about CaCO₃ heterogeneous
chemistry with HCl. Thus, the modeled impact of CaCO₃ aerosols on
stratospheric O₃ so far may not be reliable given the lack of
experimentally measured kinetics data.

Here we report the results of an experimental study of the uptake of HNO₃
and HCl onto submicron CaCO₃ particles in two different flow reactors.
Products and reaction kinetics were observed by impacting aerosolized CaCO₃
onto ZnSe windows, exposing them to the reagent gases at a wide range of
concentrations, at 296 K and under dry conditions, and analyzing the
particles before and after trace gas exposure using Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). A Ca(OH)(HCO₃ termination layer was detected
in the form of a HCO₃¯ peak in the FTIR spectra, indicating a hydrated
surface even under dry conditions. The results demonstrate the reaction of
HNO₃ with Ca(OH)(HCO₃) to produce Ca(NO₃)2, water, and CO₂. HCl reacted
with Ca(OH)(HCO₃) to produce CaCl₂ and also water and CO₂. The depletion of
the Ca(OH)(HCO₃)/Ca(CO₃) signal due to reaction with HNO3₃ or HCl followed
pseudo-first order kinetics. From the FTIR analysis, the reactive uptake
coefficient for HNO₃ was determined to be in the range of 0.013 ≤γ_(HNO₃)
≤0.14, and that for HCl was 0.0011 ≤γ_HCl ≤0.012 within the reported
uncertainty. The reaction of HCl with airborne CaCO₃ aerosols was also
studied in an aerosol flow tube (AFT) coupled with a quadrupole chemical
ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) under similar conditions to the FTIR
study, and γ_HCl was determined to be 0.013  0.001.

However, the heterogeneous chemistry of CaCO₃ aerosols at stratospheric
conditions is still underexamined. We studied the kinetics of HCl uptake on
airborne CaCO₃ aerosols at stratospheric temperature, 207 ± 3 K, by
performing experiments under dry conditions. Using the same aerosol
generation and characterization method, we coupled a low-temperature flow
tube with the CIMS for HCl detection. The reactive uptake coefficient for
HCl was measured to be 0.076 ± 0.009. This exceeds the reactive uptake
coefficient of 0.013 ± 0.001 that we previously reported for this system at
296 K, consistent with the expected negative temperature dependence of gas
uptake on solid surfaces. This finding suggests an initial strong reactive
uptake of HCl gas on CaCO₃ aerosol surfaces in the stratosphere. Following
the most recent modeling studies, our initial kinetic results suggest that
the reactions of HCl and HNO₃ with CaCO₃ in the stratosphere could lead to
a O₃ column change between -5% and +25%. This wide range of O₃ impact
highlights the high uncertainties in estimating the true atmospheric impact
of CaCO₃ aerosols, the most well-studied proposed SAI aerosols after
sulfate, upon its release into the stratosphere. Nevertheless, our kinetic
study establishes a good experimental standard for studying airborne
aerosol heterogeneous chemistry under stratospheric conditions as a
necessary step to evaluate SAI as a realistic method to battle global

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