Just a quick envelope calculation on possible costs to energy
infrastructure from SRM. I don't recall seeing anything like this
published. Please attack.

Total world energy consumption is a bit under 20TW and growing fast.

We can crudely assume approximately that amount will come from solar, mid
century - due to expected energy consumption growth and other technology
providing the balance (wind, nuclear, etc).

Let's assume that SRM makes solar PV about 1pc less efficient. That's 200GW
lost to SRM.

Mid point solar PV LCOE is about $35/MWh at the moment. We can assume that
might fall to around $2-20, although that's a broad range.

Even at the bottom of this range, the cost to replace the "lost" energy is
therefore $400,000/hr. Per annum that's roughly $4bn - and could easily be
$40bn that, if solar costs don't fall precipitously.

Even at the low end, that's approx the cost of an SRM program.

My thinking is that this might be a tipping point that makes other forms of
SRM preferable - eg MCB or polar SAI.

Comments welcome


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