*Science postdoc to work on solar geoengineering*

I need a postdoc who will do applied climate science to improve
policy-relevant assessments of the risks and efficacy of solar

You will have substantial autonomy. You need not spend all your time on
solar geoengineering.

Candidates with a critical view of solar geoengineering are particularly
welcome. You must be strongly motivated to understand these technologies
and their policy implications. Prior experience working on solar
geoengineering is an asset, but *not* a requirement.

My ideal candidate has very strong general skills: writing, a grounding in
physical and earth sciences, computer programming, and strong
self-motivation. I am less concerned about domain-specific knowledge, but a
typical candidate would have a degree in geoscience and experience with
some (but not all) of the following: atmospheric dynamics, geophysical data
analysis, geophysical model development, and applied analysis of climate
change to inform climate policy. I am keen to hear from exceptional
candidates even if they do not have an obviously relevant background.

The following illustrate current technical work in my group as a guide to
the kind of topics you might want to work on:

   - Integrating Lagrangian models of stratospheric plumes into
   three-dimensional GCM's to better represent stratospheric aerosol
   - Assessing the visual consequences of geoengineering using 3D radiative
   transfer models and experimental tests of human perception – (e.g. Under a
   White Sky?).
   - Understanding the stratospheric response to radiative heating
   - Assessing the efficacy and environmental impact methods to increase
   albedo of arctic ice.
   - Assessing how solar geoengineering changes temperature extremes.

*Community*: My group is small, 4 grad students and 2 research staff. You
can see our recent publications here
<>(website overdue
for reboot). We are most closely tied to Earth and Planetary Science
<>, Environmental Science and Engineering
and the Kennedy School <> and to Harvard’s
Solar Geoengineering Research Program
<>. My science group is
physically and intellectually integrated with Profs Keutsch
<>and Anderson <>.

*How to apply*: Send me a concise email. If not obvious from your CV you
should provide reasons you are a good fit for the position. I can’t promise
to respond to all inquiries. Getting recommendations from research leaders
is the best way to get my attention. Have your thesis advisor, or someone
else who knows your work well to write a note to me on your behalf. These
notes can be short and informal.

*David Keith's research group, *12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
David Keith:

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