intervention technologies may create winners and losers in world food supply

October 5, 2023

by Rutgers University <>

A technology being studied to curb climate change—one that could be put in
place in one or two decades if work on the technology began now—would
affect food productivity in parts of Earth in dramatically different ways,
benefiting some areas, and adversely affecting others, according to
projections prepared by a Rutgers-led team of scientists.

Writing <> in the
journal, *Nature Food*, the scientists described the results of computer
models simulating varying climate scenarios
<> and their impacts over time on
the production of the world's four major food crops: corn, rice, soybeans
and wheat in all locations where they are grown.

Some scenarios were produced by simulated stratospheric aerosol
intervention (SAI), also known as geoengineering, to halt or reverse climate
change <>, while others, for
comparison purposes, weren't. The SAI scenario, inspired by volcanic
eruptions, would involve spraying sulfur dioxide gas into the stratosphere.
By placing a cloud of what becomes sulfuric acid in the upper atmosphere
continuously, the process would shield the Earth from the sun, cooling it.

"Not one of the 11 climate change or climate intervention scenarios we
analyzed benefits everyone," said Brendan Clark, a doctoral student in the
Department of Environmental Sciences at the Rutgers School of Environmental
and Biological Sciences (SEBS), and lead author on the study. "Nations may
have different ideas of what constitutes an optimal global temperature,
which could lead to conflicts. It would be like people fighting over the
thermostat in a house, but on a global scale."

The models showed marked differences in agricultural productivity
<> depending on where a
country is positioned on the globe. Continued, uncontrolled climate change,
the models revealed, favors crop production in the cold, high-latitude
areas, such as Canada, Russia, the U.S. northern border states, Scandinavia
and Scotland.

Moderate amounts of atmospheric sulfur spraying, which may either halt or
slightly lower global average temperatures, favors food production in
the temperate
regions <> known as the
mid-latitudes, where most of the large land masses of North America and
Eurasia are located, according to the analysis.

Large amounts of climate intervention to significantly reverse warming and
lower the global average temperature would favor agricultural production in
the tropics, the region of Earth around the equator.

In the Western Hemisphere, the region includes Mexico, all of Central
America, the Caribbean and the top half of South America. In the Eastern
Hemisphere, the tropics include most of Africa, parts of the Middle East,
most of India, all of Southeast Asia, most of Australia and most of the
island nations of Oceania.

"Are we willing to live with all these potential impacts to have less
global warming? That's the question we're trying to ask here," said Alan
Robock, a Distinguished Professor of Climate Science in the Department of
Environmental Sciences at SEBS, and a co-author of the study. "We're trying
to quantify each of the potential risks and benefits so we can make
informed decisions in the future."

The team worked with scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research employing the federal laboratory's computer model that calculates
global climate and weather patterns. The model simulates atmospheric, land
and oceanic climate change as well as crop growth. The work produced 11
different climate scenarios of a future Earth, eight of them formed by
differing levels of climate intervention, producing different temperatures,
rainfall, and sunlight, and different carbon dioxide emissions.

"Our results highlight the challenges in defining 'globally optimal'
strategies," said Lili Xia, an assistant research professor in the
Department of Environmental Sciences at SEBS and a co-author of the study.
"It's very complicated and it's hard to reach a conclusion, such as saying
whether climate <> intervention is good or
bad. I don't know at what point people will reach a decision. But, for me,
I feel like it's almost impossible."

Other scientists on the study included Sam Rabin, Simone Tilmes and Jadwiga
Richter of the National Center for Atmospheric Research; and Daniele
Visioni of Cornell University.

*More information:* Optimal climate intervention scenarios for crop
production vary by nation, *Nature Food* (2023). DOI:
10.1038/s43016-023-00853-3 <>.

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Geoengineering is just a partial solution to fight climate change

Le jeu. 5 oct. 2023 à 20:23, 'Alan Robock' via geoengineering <> a écrit :

> *Optimal climate intervention scenarios for crop production vary by nation*
> by Brendan Clark, Lili Xia, Alan Robock , Simone Tilmes, Jadwiga H.
> Richter, Daniele Visioni  & Sam S. Rabin
> *Nature Food*, or
> *Abstract*
> Stratospheric aerosol intervention (SAI) is a proposed strategy to
> reduce the effects of anthropogenic climate change. There are many
> temperature targets that could be chosen for a SAI implementation, which
> would regionally modify climatically relevant variables such as surface
> temperature, precipitation, humidity, total solar radiation and diffuse
> radiation. In this work, we analyse impacts on national maize, rice,
> soybean
> and wheat production by looking at output from 11 different SAI scenarios
> carried out with a fully coupled Earth system model coupled to a crop
> model. Higher-latitude nations tend to produce the most calories under
> unabated climate change, while midlatitude nations maximize calories
> under moderate SAI implementation and equatorial nations produce the
> most calories from crops under high levels of SAI. Our results highlight
> the challenges in defining ‘globally optimal’ SAI strategies, even if such
> definitions are based on just one metric.
> --
> Alan Robock
> Alan Robock, Distinguished Professor
>    Editor, Reviews of Geophysics (Impact Factor 25.2)
>    Chair, AGU College of Fellows
> Department of Environmental Sciences          Phone: +1-848-932-5751
> Rutgers University                 E-mail:
> 14 College Farm Road
> New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551 USA    ☮
> --
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