You may have noticed this mail looks like forged.

It is a mail that Martin accidentally only sent to me and agreed
to bounce to the mailing list. Since the bounce didn't get trought
I tried simply editing the headers. It arrived this time, but my
MUA or any MTA in between rewrote the headers again so that it
looks the From is myself.

Sorry for the trouble.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:35:21AM +0200, Martin Davis wrote:
> Sandro,
> Yes,some sort of MakeValid function would be nice to have in JTS/GEOS.  I
> actually have some code already for fixing polygons, but it's not
> production-ready.  I don't have any timeline for doing this work - no
> funding, for one thing!  And lots of other stuff lined up before it.
> As for functionality, that's a good point about not being able to fix
> 1-point linestrings and non-closed rings.  So this would have to remain on
> the boundary of JTS/GEOS - such as in the PostGIS MakeValid routine.
> The main focus of the work for me would be to make an efficient, robust way
> of creating valid polygons from bad data.
> Martin
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 8:15 AM, Sandro Santilli <> wrote:
> > Martin, I've heard you've been considering adding a MakeValid-like
> > routine to JTS. When asked to port it from postgis to GEOS I've been
> > recluctant to avoid diverging too much from JTS, so I'm interested
> > in knowing if you really plan to do that and how.
> >
> > In particular the PostGIS MakeValid attempts to also fix 1-point
> > lines and non-closed polygon rings, which would be impossible in
> > GEOS/JTS due to early catch of such malformities. I'm concerned
> > that allowing those constructions would open up a can of worms
> > all over the codebase being full of assumptions about that level
> > of validity.
> >
> > So, questions in order are:
> >  1) Are you planning to provide a function capable to fix all the
> >    cases that the PostGIS MakeValid fixes ?
> >  2) What is the estimated time by which it would be released ?
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > --strk;
> >
> >  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
> >  /\
> >
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