On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Chris Holmes <cho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I like the idea.  The use case that strikes me as quite nice is someone
> having no idea what the epsg is, but just wanting to look at it in the layer
> preview.  0 seems like a nice way to represent that.  And a nice way to get
> it in to our system where maybe they could figure out the epsg.  With this
> there you could put in EPSG:0 and then use our force CRS to basically
> declare what the CRS should be after the fact, no?  So you wouldn't have to
> do your guessing before, you could just try various forces and seeing if
> they overlay right.
> As for confusing clients - are thinking of advertising EPSG:0 in the
> capabilities document?   I suppose we could consider not putting EPSG:0
> layers in the caps documents, but exposing them in the layer previews and
> rest pages and let people make non-capabilities requests against them.  Once
> someone declares a forceCRS it would then appear.

I actually wanted to publish it in the capabilities. The reasoning is that it's
no different from any other custom code.
900913 is well known about open
source apps, but commercial apps do not know anything about it, yet we
commonly publish through it.
If you have a custom srs it's the same, you come up with a fancy code and
publish it.

So I think we should treat 0 just the same, it's our easy to remember custom
code, some client will have troubles dealing with it, yet if you're using it,
it means you don't have a meaningful epsg code to use anyways.


Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
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