Le mercredi 19 octobre 2016 12:12:03, Andrea Aime a écrit :
> Hi Even,
> thanks a lot for chiming in :-)
> I have a question about GDAL behavior, I made some more tests today and the
> geopackage
> always seems to have only one zoom level. Wondering if I just fussed around
> yesterday or I used
> some option that I don't remember about :-)
> Looking at the docs it seems that if someone wants some overviews gdaladdo
> should be used to add them

If you just do gdal_translate or gdalwarp, you will get only the maximum zoom 
level filled in (entries for lower zoom levels will be reserved in 
gpkg_tile_matrix though)
If you want lower zoom levels to be filled, you indeed need to run gdaladdo.
Exactly for other formats like GeoTIFF etc.


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