On 09/13/2018 11:48 AM, Peter Smythe wrote:
> Hi Richard
> I log the HTTP header Authorization in Tomcat/HAProxy/Apache and this
> will give you the base64 username:password that you see in WireShark, etc.:
> Tomcat/Apache:    "%{Authorization}i"
> HAProxy:
>     capture request  header Authorization len 50
>     log-format "... %{+Q}hrl ..."
> I'm not sure how to base64 decode automatically, so I just leave it
> encoded, which is good enough for differentiating per username.

Hi Peter,

Thanks, yes that is what I came up finally, just after I sent the email.

But security-wise I cannot do that, in our case the Windows passwords
will be in all logs (Base64 encoded, but that is one line of grep away
from harvesting all username/passwords  :( ) .

So decoding/splitting on the fly would be ok. But even better would be
if Geoserver hands it over to the logs.



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