Hi List,

We are experimenting here with the LDAP authentication provider against
the Windows Active Directory. All works fine!!

It is easy to ask for authorisation for a layer, and giving access via
'groups' instead of individual users is a nice thing.

BUT we also want to see in either Tomcat or Geoserver log files WHO is
asking for certain layers. So we want to log the username.

It's only internal use, so it's not even over https, so I can see the
base64 username:password headers going over the line.

But whatever I try (custom Valves for Tomcat) different log formats for
the (Apache) reverse proxy, I keep getting "- -" in logs instead of
seeing the username.

So Question: is it possible to let Geoserver/Tomcat/Apache log the
username somewhere? I did a lot of googling, and found a lot of
'answers', but nothing works in my situation.

Any hint/clue?
Anybody is able to log usernames?


Richard Duivenvoorde

PS I'm pretty sure I asked something like this some years ago, and think
that Andrea answered something along the lines "difficult", but I cannot
find that Q/A anymore.

PS2 I think for governmental organisations in EU it will be more and
more important to be able to hand over clear logs in case of privacy
breaches nowadays. Usernames are an important part in that case.

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