Thanks Andrea for your analysis.

Then I think I'll put Geoserver as non vulnerable (or at least not easy) on 
this list then:

(NCSC == National Cyber Security Centre of NL)

About your analysis, here: I read 
that (at least in the >2.0 version) it seems possible to load a Class file via 
JNDI of a remote server which then could be loaded in server process and be 
triggered in a second stage. But I'm not so much in Java Class loading anymore to 
conclude if that is different from your text.

Anyway: thanks and I hope this will not create to much havoc in the Log4j 
(user) world...


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 12/12/21 17:00, Andrea Aime wrote:
On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 3:45 PM mark < 
<>> wrote:

    Only in very, very specific configurations is log4j (gen. 1 / 1.2.x)
    vulnerable - but not in the same way as log4j2; it requires using a JMS
    Appender that uses jdni.

    please read 
    (and linked comments there)

Looking at the comments and code, I have the impression that even having
a JMSAppender configured, is not enough to trigger the issue, because it's
still not trying to expand user input that might come from a request.
The vulnerable code is in an initialization reading the configuration file.

So basically, in order to make that work, the attacker needs to have console
access, gain write access to the data directory, change the log configuration
to one that would trigger the issue, and then wait for a GeoServer restart,
or a configuration reload.

The attacker has to go through all these lengths only if it cannot find anything
else on the system that can be used for an attack.
Just to give you an idea, if they have rights to modify the GeoServer war file,
they can swap a jar with one that has the same named classes, but which 
internally do whatever
they please.

This looks, to me, a very narrow window of opportunity, in order to make that 
they already punched a hole in the network and ssh access, and of all the 
they have at that point, they go and choose an attack path that they cannot 
even trigger

We might improve our deployment a bit by removing the JMSAppender class from the
log4j 1.2.x jar (or replacing with one that just throws exceptions on usage)...
it will help for cases where the attacker gets access to the console, can write
on the data dir, but not to the war itself. And can be done in time for next 
(given the attacker needs to gain console access first, to leverage the above 
  do we really need to re-release GeoServer?)

Then we can discuss an upgrade to a newer logging library... (log4j2, logback, 
or something else).
And maybe also looking into how to set aside a pot of money to handle 
vulnerabilities like this one,
using donations only: I like how this balances well with the user community, 
want free security fixes?
We'll be able to work on it proportionally to how much users themselves care 
about the subject.


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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions Group
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fax:     +39 0584 1660272

mob:   +39  333 8128928 <> <>


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