
I can see all the GDAL raster types and can complete the form for 
creation of a MrSID or ECW store. However, when I Save, the screen 
doesn't revert to the Publish screen, yet no errors are returned. I have 
to click Cancel. Nevertheless, the store does appear in the list of 
stores, yet I cannot create a layer from it. Even on verbose, there's 
nothing obvious in the logs.

Geoserver 2.2.4

Any known issues with this version of Geoserver? I'd appreciate any tips.

I really need to get this working so I can use the MrSIDs as level 0 of 
an Image pyramid layer and geotiffs generated by gdal_retile as the 
pyramid layers, thus avoiding having to generate a massive level 0 of 

thanks in advance


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