> Hello,

> I have a question regarding how to properly configure Geoserver to implement 
> a Web Processing Service. Specifically, I would like to do the 
> ras:CropCoverage. This is the xml that I have generated where both the raster 
> and polygon are in the correct projection. WGS 84. I keep receiving an error 
> that PostgreSQL ran out of memory which is kind of surprising as the area of 
> the raster that needs to be clipped is fairly small.

> This is the error I found in Geoserver.
ras:CropCoverageCrop CoverageReturns the portion of a raster bounded by a given 
geometry.Failed to retrieve value for input coverage
java.io.IOException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Ran out of memory 
retrieving query results. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Ran out of memory 
retrieving query results. Ran out of memory retrieving query results. Java heap 

> Is there a way to write view the SQL code used to connect to PostgreSQL or 
> write your own and wrap it in a WPS?

David -

There should be a few ways of dealing with your problem.

You should try to determine whether your *entire system* is running out of 
memory or whether it's just the Java container you're using to run Geoserver. 
You can use your system's process-monitor or task-manager to give you some 
indication of which it is. If it's the latter (that's what I'd suspect), you 
can tell Java it's okay to allocate more memory when it starts. The way you'd 
do this depends on which container you're using (e.g. Tomcat or Jetty), your 
operating system, and how exactly you're starting the container, so this may be 
a matter of modifying your environment variables, changing the flags that are 
being passed to Java when it's started, or editing startup.sh/startup.bat or 
other settings.

- Patrick

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