On the windows machine we are using Jetty.
I tried increasing the memory up to 4gigs and still received the error.

I followed the steps here

On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 10:41 AM, P O'Toole <p.oto...@uwyo.edu> wrote:

> > Hello,
> > I have a question regarding how to properly configure Geoserver to
> implement a Web Processing Service. Specifically, I would like to do the
> ras:CropCoverage. This is the xml that I have generated where both the
> raster and polygon are in the correct projection. WGS 84. I keep receiving
> an error that PostgreSQL ran out of memory which is kind of surprising as
> the area of the raster that needs to be clipped is fairly small.
> > This is the error I found in Geoserver.
> ras:CropCoverageCrop CoverageReturns the portion of a raster bounded by a
> given geometry.Failed to retrieve value for input coverage
> java.io.IOException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Ran out of memory
> retrieving query results. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Ran out of
> memory retrieving query results. Ran out of memory retrieving query
> results. Java heap space
> > Is there a way to write view the SQL code used to connect to PostgreSQL
> or write your own and wrap it in a WPS?
> David -
> There should be a few ways of dealing with your problem.
> You should try to determine whether your *entire system* is running out of
> memory or whether it's just the Java container you're using to run
> Geoserver. You can use your system's process-monitor or task-manager to
> give you some indication of which it is. If it's the latter (that's what
> I'd suspect), you can tell Java it's okay to allocate more memory when it
> starts. The way you'd do this depends on which container you're using (e.g.
> Tomcat or Jetty), your operating system, and how exactly you're starting
> the container, so this may be a matter of modifying your environment
> variables, changing the flags that are being passed to Java when it's
> started, or editing startup.sh/startup.bat or other settings.
> - Patrick

David Haynes, Ph.D.
Research Associate Terra Populus
Minnesota Population Center
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