
It doesn’t appear that the guttering setting is entirely working for mapbox 
vector tiles (I’m using the 2.10 snapshot with the vector tiles extension).  
Even though I set the gutter to zero, I still see negative pixel coordinates 
and coordinates greater than 256 when I look at the coordinates coming down 
from the server.  The tile size is set to 256.  Is there someway to turn 
guttering entirely off, so the features are clipped at the tile boundaries?

Also, I found what appears to be a violation of the mapbox vector tile spec.  
See  https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/tree/master/2.1.  When I look 
at the geojson for a tile I can see one feature with a small rectangle geometry 
which is sliver-like.  When I look at the same tile in its mapbox format, I get 
a polygon with the start position, then another position, and then the start 
position.  The thinness of the rectangle must collapse to the same pixel.  So 
basically what is being served down as a polygon is actually line-like 
(starting at a point, going to another point, and then going straight back to 
the same point).  To have a valid polygon there must be at least two positions 
between the start-end coordinate.  I’ve had to filter these polygons out, since 
their ring orientation is undefined.

Should I mention this problem as a bug??

Tom Cuthill
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