Hi there,

I'm using cql to add parameter values for my color map e.g. 

<ColorMapEntry color="${env('PlantColor','#7200ff')}" quantity="255"
label="values" opacity="${env('PlantOpacity', 1)}" /> 

The PlantColor parameter works. However I can't get the opacity to work. The
error is:

line 27: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '${env('PlantOpacity', 1)}' is not a
valid value for 'double'.

I've tried various combinations of single quotes, double quotes, no quotes
etc. for the attributes.  I understand it wants a number not a string, but
how do you get that to work with the cql expression? It does say you can use
cql for the opacity but I can't find an example syntax.

Best regards,


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