Hi Alessio,
thanks for the  useful feedback. Notes inline.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 12:30 PM, Alessio Fabiani <
alessio.fabi...@geo-solutions.it> wrote:

> *Executions List*
> At a first glance I was thinking to the possibility of having some
> "public" executions, somehow, but digging a bit more on the proposal this
> does not make much sense.
> The new operation should return only the list of available Executions the
> logged in user has started, except in the case it is an Administrator. In
> that case he will be able to get the whole list.

Yep, makes sense.

> *StatusInfo Response*
> Yes, roughly it should return what we see on the GUI, possibly with a bit
> more information (when/if available) as detailed in the table below
> *NamesDefinitionData type and valuesMultiplicity and useJobIDUnambiguously
> identifier of a execution job within a WPS instance.Character String aOne
> (mandatory)IdentifierUnambiguously identifier of a process within a WPS
> instance.ows:IdentifierOne (mandatory)StatusWell-known identifier
> describing the status of the job.Character String bOne
> (mandatory)ExpirationDateDate and time by which the job and its results
> will be no longer accessible. cISO-8601 date/time string in the form
> YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ with T separator character and Z suffix for
> coordinated universal time (UTC)Zero or one (optional) Include if
> available.EstimatedCompletionDate and time by which the processing job will
> be finished.ISO-8601 date/time string in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ
> with T separator character and Z suffix for coordinated universal time
> (UTC)Zero or one (optional) Include if available.NextPollDate and time for
> the next suggested status polling.ISO-8601 date/time string in the form
> YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ with T separator character and Z suffix for
> coordinated universal time (UTC)Zero or one (optional) Include if
> available.PercentCompletedPercentage of process that has been
> completed.Integer{0..100} dZero or one (optional) Include if available.a)
> Particularly suitable JobIDs are UUIDs or monotonic identifiers such as
> unique timestamps. If the privacy of a Processing Job is imperative, the
> JobID should be non-guessable.b) The basic status set is defined in
> http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html
> <http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html> Table 3. Additional
> states may be defined by certain operations or extensions of this
> standard.c) This element will usually become available when the execution
> has finished (Status = “finished”). d) Zero (0) means the execution has
> just started, and 100 means the job is complete. This value is informative
> only without any accuracy guarantees.*

How will you guess the estimated completion? Elapsed time vs percentage
In general GeoServer has a hard time with the percentage complete
calculation, as the overall process execution
goes through 3 phases:

   - Parsing the inputs and turning them into Java classes suitable for
   process consumption. This part is given a fixed percentage. If all the
   inputs are simple (string, number, dates) the % is small, if the inputs are
   complexes (have to be parsed and may be large or retrieved from remote) I
   think it's something like 30%, but you'd have to check in the code.
   - Actual execution, consuming java objects and producing other java
   objects. This is all over the place, some processes are streaming and give
   you back a GridCoverage2D backed by a deferred execution or a
   FeatureCollection that will compute the results when traversed (both to
   avoid storing a ton of memory), others have no progress support at all,
   only a subset are actually doing the computation during execute and with
   reasonable progress support.
   - Result encoding. This is similar to input parsing, if the result is
   complex the final encoding is given a large-ish percentage of the overall
   time, also considering that the real execution might happen here as we
   scroll over the feature collection or encode the grid coverage into a tiff.

I believe you're mostly interested in RawInput/RawOutput, not sure how well
they are handled by the above "guessing" machinery, I'd suggest to have a

> *GetExecutions Request*
> In order to filter and refine the Request, I was wondering about a set of
> simple Request parameters as depicted in the diagram below
> [image: image.png]
> which are better detailed in the table here below
> *NamesDefinitionData type and valuesMultiplicity and useOwnerUnambiguous
> identifier of a user within a WPS instance.Filters out all the jobs not
> anonymous or not belonging to the specified user.Character String aZero or
> one (optional).IdentifierUnambiguous identifier of a process within a WPS
> instance.Filters out all the jobs not belonging to the specified process
> identifier.ows:Identifier Value shall be one of the process identifiers
> listed in the ProcessSummary elements in the Capabilities document.Zero or
> one (optional).StatusWell-known identifier describing the status of the
> job.Filters out all the jobs with an Execution Status different from the
> one specified.String{PENDING, RUNNING, FAILED, CANCELED, FINISHED} bZero or
> one (optional).OrderByOne of the OWNER, IDENTIFIER, STATUS.The Response
> Document will be ordered accordingly to the value specified. If not value
> has been specified, the list of Processed will be ordered by Identifier and
> ExecutionDate.String{OWNER, IDENTIFIER, STATUS}Zero or one (optional).a) It
> must match one of the usernames available on the Server, if any available.
> GetStatusesListResponse contents may vary accordingly to security
> constraints.b) The basic status set is defined in
> http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html
> <http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/14-065/14-065.html> Table 3. Additional
> states may be defined by certain operations or extensions of this standard.*

Makes sense yes.



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