Any direction/assistance is more than appreciated.

I see no indication that Windows is doing anything untoward with the content of 
the data_dir (reverts, etc). Nothing’s going missing, and changes I make 
against geoserver’s config seem to stick.

The data are generated mostly by myself in-house, either out of QGIS (v3.x most 
recently, v2.x before) or Manifold GIS 8. Shapefiles and GeoTiff, primarily.

I’ve attached sanitized outputs of gdalinfo for both layers in case that helps 
determine what might be at play here, but rest assured that they 
project/display properly in the proper locations with QGIS, so don’t mind the 
corner coordinates section being REDACTED.


From: Andrea Aime <>
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 1:14 PM
To: Carlock, Brett <>
Cc: GeoServer Mailing List List <>
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Newly added layers not rendering with GeoServer 

On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 6:48 PM Carlock, Brett 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Andrea! I feel pretty fancy getting help from you 😃

Eeh, being it a Windows server I cannot offer much of it.

In our config, we have our data_dir on a separate storage volume with RWX 
access for all users on the machine, so I don’t believe permissions/ACL issues 
are coming into play here.

To confirm, we can add/remove/rename/reconfigure stores/layers/styles/settings, 
so as far as I can tell, GeoServer has the access to the data_dir and its 
subdirectories it needs to function properly.
To further confirm, would it throw an exception or warning in the logs if it 
didn’t? I can take a poke through to ensure that this isn’t happening.

I would expect to see an exception in the logs if it was not writable, but not 
sure what would happen if
Windows reverted the contents of the files/directories. It may be a data 
issue... where is the data coming from?



GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
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Attachment: gdalinfo_GoodBad.7z
Description: gdalinfo_GoodBad.7z

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