I have already checked that, and tried the different options, sadly it
does not change the time it takes to generate the capabilities document.

I tried dynamic values and also hardcoded timestamps, the result is the
same (timeouts).

I think geoserver is still asking the database for the min and max values.

Am 31.10.2018 um 11:28 schrieb br...@frogmouth.net:
> How are you specifying the Default value strategy?
> If you change that to Reference Value, you can use a form like
> fromValue/toValue. It's also possible to use relative times like
> P1M/PRESENT, but note that the reference value is copied verbatim into the
> capabilities document, which might not be what you want. (Adapted from
> https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/data/webadmin/layers.html#data-web
> admin-layers-edit-dimensions)
> Brad

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