The osgeo repo is a folder on a web sever right now to support geotools. It
does not have geoserver release for example.
Jody Garnett

On Tue, 4 Feb 2020 at 21:22, Torben Barsballe <>

> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 12:12 PM Jody Garnett <>
> wrote:
>> We cannot fall back to osgeo repo as it does not have all the stuff.
>> What I can do is talk to sac about putting up our own nexus or artifactory.
>> Would the PSC be in position to cover some of my time setting that up? Or
>> would planet have capacity to work on this and help transfer content...
>> Thanks for the info. Do you know what specifically osgeo doesn't have? Is
> there a reason we couldn't just push everything that is missing to the
> osgeo repo?
>> how much of this is portable to a new organization? How much does it cost
>> to run; if we decide to pay for it etc...
>> The Jenkins instance + config should be entirely portable, it's just
> Jenkins installed on Ubuntu. The whole EC2 Fleetcloud slave instance setup
> may be a bit trickier, since it requires AWS, but the whole reason behind
> it was to save costs. I don't have any insight into how much it actually
> costs to run.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Tue, 4 Feb 2020 at 19:13, Torben Barsballe <>
>> wrote:
>>> Attending
>>> Toben Barsballe
>>> Ian Turton
>>> Andrea Aimee
>>> Jukka Rahkonnen
>>> Actions from last meeting
>>>    -
>>>    All: Please reply to MBStyle Graduation geotools thread
>>>    -
>>>    Jody: will tighten up the javadocs “SimpleFeatureCollection house
>>>    rules”
>>>    -
>>>    Andrea: to clean up the 22.3 artifacts from the OSGeo repository
>>>    (may need a follow-up on Boundless repo though) (done)
>>>    -
>>>    Gabriel: move ArcSDE to unsupported  (done)
>>> Agenda
>>>    -
>>>    GeoServer + GeoWebCache Site hosting
>>>    -
>>>    FOSS4G presentations
>>>    -
>>>    Windows installer machine from OSGeo
>>>    -
>>>    Upgrading checkstyle, oh my
>>> Actions
>>> N/A
>>> GeoServer + GeoWebCache Site hosting
>>> Talks underway to move management of the sites outside Planet.
>>> Bunch of sites:
>>>    -
>>> hosted on github pages, but DNS and certificates
>>>    managed by Planet
>>>    -
>>>    -
>>>    -
>>>    Artifactory at (can we fall back on the OSGeo
>>>    one?)
>>>    -
>>> FOSS4G 2020 presentations
>>> Andrea and Jody and GeoSolutions have been submitting presentations for
>>> the pre-selection.
>>> State of GeoServer (but also ecosystem, introduction, frenzy), GeoServer
>>> in production, WPS, Web Mercator, The life of open source developers, OG
>>> API, OSM, Burnout, State of GeoWebCache. Want to add more? Please!
>>> Windows/OSX installer machine from OSGeo
>>> We should ask OSGeo to get machines to run the installers. Could be
>>> useful for other projects as well, and receive little usage, could be
>>> shared. Jody already voiced this idea, I’d like to see it get going.
>>> Question: what about 32 bit restrictions for service installer? Maybe we
>>> could drop the service installer part and suggest using Tomcat instead, and
>>> link to documentation on how to set it up for production using Tomcat.
>>> Note: 32-bit Java 11 is available from AdoptOpenJDK
>>> Upgrading checkstyle, oh my
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