On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 6:57 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Andrea I am personally in favour of throwing an exception if the data is
> inconsistent, but I respect that some data is not going to be fixed...
> Would a connection parameter work? Or were you thinking a system property
> flag ...

Connection parameter, off by default.

> Something like "check_geometry_type": do a pass through the geometry to
> detect this problem and override to MultiPolygon when creating the
> FeatureType.

Ouch no, this implementation would take forever to run... I'm just playing
with a couple of Ordnance Survey geopackages, the small one is 10GB,
the large one over 200GB. There are hundreds of millions of features
inside, you don't want to actually visit them all to find out that you did
not really
need to expand the type ;-)
Just to give you a reference, here is a summary table for OS mastermap
topography, full country, single GeoPackage... the largest table has over
338 million rows...:

 table_schema |     table_name     | row_estimate |  total  |  index
|   toast    |  table
translator2  | topographicline    |  338,790,112 | 183 GB  | 42 GB   |
227 MB     | 140 GB translator2  | topographicarea    |  121,382,384 |
101 GB  | 14 GB   | 2138 MB    | 85 GB translator2  | cartographictext
  |   21,865,014 | 10 GB   | 2695 MB | 8192 bytes | 8022 MB
translator2  | topographicpoint   |    4,270,670 | 2015 MB | 453 MB  |
8192 bytes | 1562 MB translator2  | cartographicsymbol |    3,705,680
| 1755 MB | 403 MB  | 8192 bytes | 1353 MB translator2  | boundaryline
      |      516,863 | 563 MB  | 55 MB   | 24 MB      | 484 MB

> I considered a flag to force "multi" but that would end up applying to all
> tables even when it is not needed.

This seems a lot more sane to me... an alternative could be to have the
user list which tables to "fix", getting a comma
separated list. A bit more annoying to setup though, could use a dedicated


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