Hello all,

I’ve got 2 shapefiles (Point geometry both) with the same set of features 
The SimpleFeatureType of the 2 shapefiles is different, with the only common 
columns being the ID (and the lon and lat).
They’re both CRS 2193.

What I’m trying to do is to create a new shapefile with the attributes of both.

adding also the collection of all the features, but it does nothing.
After this command (newAttrTypes.addAll(sft2.getTypes());) I can see in the 
Types both set of values,
But when I write them in the new shapefile I get an empty .shp

The second file is generated by the first, so, theoretically, number of 
features and position should be the same.
In the Geometry file, there are the Types for each shapefile. In the other file 
the code I’m using.

Any help is really appreciated.
Thank you

Attachment: GeometryDescriptorImpl the.docx
Description: GeometryDescriptorImpl the.docx

Attachment: public static void joinExample.docx
Description: public static void joinExample.docx

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