"wacla...@btconnect.com" <wacla...@btconnect.com> writes:

> On 05/11/14 13:56, artisticforge . wrote:
>> get_iplayer, bypasses all of that and is grabbing a digital copy of
>> the BBC content. there is a fundamental difference.
> My point is that if I can record off digital TV legally, why can we not 
> record off iplayer using GIP, its is the same digital content.

Indeed, my cheap DVB-T2 box from China (into which I can plug an
external HDD), or my USB DVB-T2 stick for my computer, even let me grab
copies of live HD digital BBC broadcasts that aren't offered on iPlayer.
It's all easily available to those who want to do it.

-- Mark (preaching to the choir)

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