On 7 Nov 2014 at 14:12, SquarePenguin SquarePenguin 
<getipla...@squarepenguin.co.uk> wrote:

> On 7 Nov 2014, at 13:21, CJB wrote:
> > Only
> > small point is that at the end of a record there are hundreds of these
> > - which slows down the Run PVR:
> >
> > size=     116kB time=00:00:07.39 bitrate= 129.0kbits/s
> > size=     163kB time=00:00:10.34 bitrate= 128.7kbits/s
> Aren't those the transcoding rate indicators? After download it 
> transcodes (I think that's the right word) the flv to mp4 and spits out 
> the progress reports above.
> Not sure if you're using a Raspberry Pi but the conversion bitrate looks 
> to me like it simply indicates low powered hardware so the conversion is 
> taking a while to complete.

I have found the transcode speed (or lack of) is influenced more by the 
disk speed than processor speed.

Example, I have a desktop and laptop with same 2.0GHz Core CPU, albeit 
laptop is the slower mobile version. While the desktop is 4 or 5 times 
faster at completing a handbrake encode. The laptop does the GiP flv to mp4 
in around 1/4 the time of desktop.

Both are XP Pro, 2GB Ram, but laptop has a 5,400 SATA 3 Seagate Hybrid HDD 
vs 7,200 SATA 1 Seagate HDD in desktop.

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