On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 6:17 PM, "Vangelis forthnet" 
<northmed...@the.forthnet.gr> wrote:
> GiP 2.96 (used by OP prior to updating to 2.97)
> does not pass -stats to FFmpeg 0.8.18,
> so - as you point - remuxing works.
Ah. I did not listen all that closely to the first line of both logs. I just 
assumed both read 2.97, and was a bit baffled at why one had -stats and the 
other one didn't. That teaches me to assume... I was more focused on the FFMpeg 
portion of the logs, as that was where the issue originated. Either way, looks 
like the OP's issues are all solved now I think.


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