On 8 September 2017 at 11:23, Alan Milewczyk <a...@soulman1949.com> wrote:
> Continuing OT for a minute..
> On 08/09/2017 09:57, Jim web wrote:
>> Its a great shame that there isn't a decent and clear *tutorial* on how to
>> use ffmpeg for such things so that people can make sense of the vast
>> forest
>> of mysterious options, switches, etc. The help/man is of little use to
>> most
>> people because it only makes sense *after* you've found the right option.
>> Listing options isn't an explanation. Just a reminder for programmers who
>> *already* know what the options listed mean or can do for them and when
>> they are the 'right' ones. Data is not a synonym for information.
>> Jim
> Couldn't agree more, it's the big failing of the IT industry. Manuals
> detailing features are not what customers want

Remember ffmeg has no customers, no-one pays for it. The documentation
is maintained by the community (I assume).  Documentation for open
source is always a problem as few are prepared to put in the time and
effort required.


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